Myself and Adam wrote a questionnaire on Horror films and what people like about them. We did this so we know what to include in our clip of our film to help keep the target audience interested. Below is teh questionnaire.
We got 25 people to fill out the questionnaire, we made sure we had results from every gender and age group. We did this so we had a representative group of people who may watch our film. The results of Question 1 and 2 are below.
When we asked people to answer the questionnaire, when asking people we asked people we knew from school and our social lives. This could mean that the results could not be representative of the whole population as we have only focused on people within surrey, also the sample size is quite small. For a more accurate result we could of asked more people to fill in the questionnaire. But we did manage to get someone from both sexes and each age group to fill in the questionnaire, making the results true of every possible audience. We asked 15 16-30's because this is the target audience age range we are aiming for and we want to know predominantly what they like.

Above is the results to question 3. The question was on the Type of Horror films the person filling the questionnaire like. The favourite type of Horror films was Slasher with 14 people saying it was one of there favourite types. This means we should include conventions and cliches from slasher films in our film such as, only having one killer.
Question 4 asks about the audiences favourite weapons that are used in Horror films. The top 3 were, Shotguns, machetes and then knifes were the favourite. So maybe we should use some of these as our weapons, however maybe these are the favourites because they are all taken from many famous films, maybe the use of a new relativity unused weapon would also be a hit with the fans if the film was good. I believe that these weapons have been rated highly as they are in the audiences favourite film, this suggests that the weapon doesn't matter as long as the film is good.
The next question is question 5, it asks about what perspective the audience like to see, and the favourite was mixed, this means that we should use a mixed perspective for our film.
Question 6 is on the type of killer that is involved in the film, one of the highest was ghosts, this is good as we have already decided that we will have a ghost as the killer in our film. This means most of the audience should like what the killer is.
Question 7 asks about the audiences favourite features in a Horror film, this question involved camera shots and other things that may feature in a film and they would tick there favourite ones. The top 2 results were Jumpy moments and the film having a killer that is hidden throughout. So it would be sensible if we tried to include these features in our film.
The next question we asked was about the audiences favourite location for our horror film to be. As we are planning to do the filming in a Forrest then we would want forests to be one of the favourates. Luckily Forests was the top answer, suggesting that the audience will like where the film is set.
Question 9 asks about the what the viewers like to see in the film. The top 2 were the atmosphere being tense and the film having jumpy moments. We should not only use these in ours films but there are a few other answers that scored high enough for us to use the, within our film.
Question 10 asked about what viewers don't like in horror films. The top 2 were a bad storyline and the second was pornography. These are 2 things that we defiantly shouldn't include in our film. As swearing didn't score at all, this suggests that all viewers believe that swearing in a Horror film is acceptable.
Question 11 focused on viewers favourite films, i put this question in so we could then maybe research the favourites and see what the did right.
The last question is question 12 and this focused on where the audience is most likely to see the film. The highest answer is DVD, so if we create a marketing scheme for our film, we should target it at DVD audience as this seems to be how the most amount of Horror films are seen.