Sunday 18 December 2011

Target Audience

We need to decide a target audience for our film as we can then focus the film on their interests and favourite cliches, making the film more appealing to them. This is good as it could help raise viewings of the film, as the target audience is most probably going to talk about the film to some people, maybe also in the target audience, making them want to go and see the film.
First we need to decide if we are going to focus the film on Female viewers, Male viewers or Both gender viewers. As both male and females usually watch horror films, we should focus on both sex's but more on the male sex as more males watch horror films. We can appeal to the male audience by using pretty female actors.
Secondly the age range, as we have decided that the film will be a 15 we cannot aim the film at a age range lower than this. The people who watch the most Horror films are 16-30 year olds. This is the age range that we aim the film at, we can do this by using actors from within this age range so the audience can empathise with them easily.
In conclusion the target audience we are aiming the film at is Male and Females from the age of 16-30 year olds.

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