Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Evaluation Activity 7

From making the Preliminary task to the first 2 minutes of Mine Forever, my media skills have progressed in several ways which are listed below.
One way is camera work. In my preliminary task we used many basic shots such as mid shots and close ups, but we didn't use any with greater meaning, such as a high angle shot. Whereas in my first 2 minutes I feel that you can clearly see a way in which my camera work has progressed. For example I use a variety of camera shots, this is good as it shows that I understand when it acceptable to use a certain type of shot and why, such as a long shot is good for showing action and scenery but not good for showing fine details such as facial expression a better shot for this is a close up. You can also tell my understanding of camera work has progressed as well by the way I understand what canted angles do and suggest to the audience. For example having the camera look down on someone shows they are weak and powerless. I have shown a varying range of camera shots in my film, compared to my Preliminary task. I also understand about the equipment you need for your camera shots, such as using a tripod keeps the camera from shaking around.
A second way in which my Media skills have progressed is in Editing. In my Preliminary task you can see that editing was a strong point of mine as you can see the cuts are badly done and the scene itself doesn't quite make sense. Whereas after the practice my Preliminary task gave me, I felt confident that I could improve on my editing skills. You can see a large improvement on my editing skills in the first 2 minutes of Mine Forever. For example you can see a use of effects which weren't used in my Preliminary task, before i thought that the effects made the footage look tacky but I have learnt that if used well and in the right place it adds to the effect of the film. You can also see a large improvement in the cuts in my footage, as before they overlapped were as now they work perfectly. It makes the footage look a lot better and more believable.
Another way in which my media skills have progressed is by learning other media techniques such as the 180 rule, this is where flicking from character to character in a conversation you stay on one side of an imaginary line. Another rule is match on action, we used this is in our film when Sid picks up the phone when in the car. And the last rule I learnt was shot/reverse shot.

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