Friday 30 March 2012

Actor Interview - Victim

This interview was held between myself and Sid who played the Ghost in the film. I asked him several questions and he asnswered, the transcript is below.

Interviewer - Hello there, what’s your name and how old are you?

Sid – Sidney Ratcliff and I’m 18.

Interviewer - Okay Sid, what part did you play?
Sid – The first victim
Interviewer - Did you enjoy acting?

Sid – Yeah it was fun

Interviewer - Ah good, what was your favourite scene?

Sid – Walking up the alley, as it was exciting as it was a well excicuted shot.

Interviewer - If you could play another part what would it be?

Sid – The Ghost

Interviewer - Do you like the story line?

Sid - Yes, it was good it was interesting.

Interviewer - Yes it is, Do you think they will change the film into a book, or is a sequel lined up?

Sid – Yeah I looking forward to the sequel which is on its way I have a bigger part which I’m very excited about. It has the most exciting twist, which you’ll love!

Interviewer - Was this your first time in a big role?

Sid – No, I have played various other parts in other big films.

Interviewer - Do you think Mine Forever will sell well?

Sid – Yeah every well

Interviewer - Did you train in any way in order to partake in this role?

Sid – Yeah, I went on a strict diet and workout plan.

Interviewer - What is your favourite Horror film?

Sid – The fourth kind, it is so engaging.

Interviewer - Do you think you will continue acting after Mine Forever?

Sid – Yes, I have multiple roles lined up, keep an eye out for me!

Interviewer - Thank you

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