Jeepers Creepers is a classic horror film in which a monster goes on a killing spree every 23 years for 23 days. The film starts off with the introduction of the 2 main characters, a brother and sister called Darryl and Trish, they are driving back from college. This part of the film is set on a desolate highway with no other drivers on, this is very steriotypical of horror movies as the are usually set in the middle of no-where were 'no-one can hear you scream'. Another visable cliche is the screeching black crows, which in horror movies usually shows the sign that something bad is going to happen. This is when a rusty truck is seen, it is driving eratically towards the siblings, Darryl tries to let him past but he just seems to stay behind them, driving crazily, this builds tension as you think that something is abouut to happen. But it doesn't and the truck drives into the distance.
The siblings drive on until a spooky wooded area is seen by them with a creepy house in it. As the drive past they see the rusty truck parked up with the driver by it. They cannot see what the driver looks like though as he is covered by a long leather trench coat and is face is covered by a hat. Not only is he a creepy character but he is carrying a large bundle of something wrapped up in a blood stained blanket. This scares the audience as you believe that this is going to be the killer of the story and as he sees the siblings you think he will hunt them down and kill them.
The siblings drive on, and as expected the rusty van pulls into view, the siblings try to get away from it but it easily catches up to the car, again tension is built here as you think the truck driver will try to kill the siblings but he just rams them off the road and drives off. Another classic horror cliche used in the film is that once they have been rammed off the road they try to start the car but it wont work, and they try to call for help but the phone is out of battery, these are both commonly used in horror films by the film makers to build tension. The car starts working and they decide to drive back to the suspected lair of the bad guy, this is yet again another cliche of horror movies, the main characters always seem to somehow make there way back to the killer/monsters lair. Again the film makers use this to create even more tension as Darryl slips down the entrance into it to find dead bodies with at least one body part removed. They drive away and get to a local diner, inside are a few creepy locals, this is cliche as a motel, diner, or abandoned house is almost always visited. Later on the villain is revealed to be a flesh eating winged predator that comes out to steal body parts to use for itself. It then goes on to kill a few people as expected. The movie very cleverly builds tension by not even seeing the killer for a long while after the movie has started.
This film incorporates many famous horror cliches such as phones not working when they are needed most, the desolate setting of the empty highway. The main characters are also very cliche, they are two teenagers which is easy to relate to for the target audience, but the siblings are very arrogant which is another cliche, this trait makes the viewer want the character to die as they will dislike them. Another cliche used in Jeepers Creepers is when they are driving and you can see the rusty truck come into view, and the viewer can see it but the characters do not. This is when the audience know the danger before the characters do. All of the cliches used are the easiest way to make a good horror film, as it draws in the attention of the viewer, and makes them want to watch as they want to know what happens.
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