Monday 11 March 2013

Coursework Targets

You're working towards the top band Will and have thus far evidenced some excellent research and planning. Analyse the effects of your storyboard and include detailed analysis of at least five magazine front covers -explaining how they will influence your creative decisions. This Wednesday - film uploaded. Last Friday of term - Film poster and front cover of a magazine uploaded. First day back - Evaluation activities complete. You have a lot of work to do Connor and no time to waste!

Friday 30 March 2012

Actor Interview - Victim

This interview was held between myself and Sid who played the Ghost in the film. I asked him several questions and he asnswered, the transcript is below.

Interviewer - Hello there, what’s your name and how old are you?

Sid – Sidney Ratcliff and I’m 18.

Interviewer - Okay Sid, what part did you play?
Sid – The first victim
Interviewer - Did you enjoy acting?

Sid – Yeah it was fun

Interviewer - Ah good, what was your favourite scene?

Sid – Walking up the alley, as it was exciting as it was a well excicuted shot.

Interviewer - If you could play another part what would it be?

Sid – The Ghost

Interviewer - Do you like the story line?

Sid - Yes, it was good it was interesting.

Interviewer - Yes it is, Do you think they will change the film into a book, or is a sequel lined up?

Sid – Yeah I looking forward to the sequel which is on its way I have a bigger part which I’m very excited about. It has the most exciting twist, which you’ll love!

Interviewer - Was this your first time in a big role?

Sid – No, I have played various other parts in other big films.

Interviewer - Do you think Mine Forever will sell well?

Sid – Yeah every well

Interviewer - Did you train in any way in order to partake in this role?

Sid – Yeah, I went on a strict diet and workout plan.

Interviewer - What is your favourite Horror film?

Sid – The fourth kind, it is so engaging.

Interviewer - Do you think you will continue acting after Mine Forever?

Sid – Yes, I have multiple roles lined up, keep an eye out for me!

Interviewer - Thank you

Thursday 29 March 2012



(Eerie music)

Detective – So what happened?

Victim 1 – Well it started when jack went back to the car to get his phone.

Detective – Please continue.

Victim 1 – He took too long, I went to see where he was. But when I got there he was dead

(Starts crying)

Detective – So what did she look like?

Sam  - She’s blonde, average height, please find her. They might have her. I can’t imagine what they could do to her.

Narrative – Earlier that day Jack went back to the car where he though he lost his phone. What he didn’t know was going to kill him. Someone or something was following him.

Actor Interview - Ghost

Adam interviewed me as I played the ghost in the film, his questions and my responses are below.

Interviewer - Hello there, whats your name and how old are you?

Me - Hello, My name is William huck and I am 17 years old.

Interviewer - Okay will, so you played the ghost in the film?

Me - Yes, it was really fun being the killer as you get a lot of screen time and your what is remembered the most about the film.

Interviewer - Did you enjoy acting?

Me - I have never done it before so it was a bit pressurised but it became funner later on when I became used to it.

Interviewer - Ah good, What was your favourite scene?

Me - My favourite bit was at the start in the car where you see me sneak up on my Victim.

Interviewer - If you could play another part what would it be?

Me - If anything, I think I would of enjoyed playing the Detective as they are always cool headed characters and they also usually have an important role in the film.

Interviewer - Very cool. How did you find the costume for the ghost?

Me - It was quite an effort to get on and off due to the make up but it made the film look a lot better as you can easily tell I'm a ghost in it.

Interviewer - Do you like the story line?

Me - Yes, its an original storyline, I haven't heard or seen anything similar either which is good.

Interviewer - Yes it is, Do you think they will change the film into a book, or is a sequel lined up?

Me - I think if the film sold well then they would be silly not to sell a book of it as it opens the product to a new market as older people generally seem to read more than watch movies. Also selling a book would also help generate profit which could be used to create a sequel, I'm not sure where the story would go but I'm sure the writers will make a good turn of events if a second is created.

Interviewer - Was this your first time in a big role?

Me - I have never acted before! Let alone a big role, it was a challenge but I'm proud I did it.

Interviewer - Do you think Mine Forever will sell well?

Me - Of course! With such  a good storyline and acting like min, it would be hard not to win an award!

Interviewer - Did you train in any way in order to partake in this role?

Me - No, I didn't train at all, it just comes naturally.

Interviewer - What is your favourite Horror film?

Me - Probably dead silence, its a real classic, the dolls freak me out!

Interviewer - Do you think you will continue acting after Mine Forever?

Me - Maybe, I'm not really sure.

Interviewer - Thank you

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Evaluation Activity 7

From making the Preliminary task to the first 2 minutes of Mine Forever, my media skills have progressed in several ways which are listed below.
One way is camera work. In my preliminary task we used many basic shots such as mid shots and close ups, but we didn't use any with greater meaning, such as a high angle shot. Whereas in my first 2 minutes I feel that you can clearly see a way in which my camera work has progressed. For example I use a variety of camera shots, this is good as it shows that I understand when it acceptable to use a certain type of shot and why, such as a long shot is good for showing action and scenery but not good for showing fine details such as facial expression a better shot for this is a close up. You can also tell my understanding of camera work has progressed as well by the way I understand what canted angles do and suggest to the audience. For example having the camera look down on someone shows they are weak and powerless. I have shown a varying range of camera shots in my film, compared to my Preliminary task. I also understand about the equipment you need for your camera shots, such as using a tripod keeps the camera from shaking around.
A second way in which my Media skills have progressed is in Editing. In my Preliminary task you can see that editing was a strong point of mine as you can see the cuts are badly done and the scene itself doesn't quite make sense. Whereas after the practice my Preliminary task gave me, I felt confident that I could improve on my editing skills. You can see a large improvement on my editing skills in the first 2 minutes of Mine Forever. For example you can see a use of effects which weren't used in my Preliminary task, before i thought that the effects made the footage look tacky but I have learnt that if used well and in the right place it adds to the effect of the film. You can also see a large improvement in the cuts in my footage, as before they overlapped were as now they work perfectly. It makes the footage look a lot better and more believable.
Another way in which my media skills have progressed is by learning other media techniques such as the 180 rule, this is where flicking from character to character in a conversation you stay on one side of an imaginary line. Another rule is match on action, we used this is in our film when Sid picks up the phone when in the car. And the last rule I learnt was shot/reverse shot.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Evaluation Activity 6

To create my film and the attached products, I had to use several Hardwares and Softwares. I will list what it was used for and why. 

First 2 Minutes

For my First 2 minutes of my film 'Mine Forever' I had to use several hardwares and softwares.
To begin with we had to use a camera to film the footage with, for this we filmed with a DV1, we used this camera as it is small and compact, making it easy to transport and film with, but it also it is high resolution meaning that it is going to produce high quality footage, which it did. A picture is shown below.

A alternative we could of used is the Canon Mini DV, this is larger than the DV1 meaning it is harder to film with and it had a slightly worse resolution. But it had a better zoom, although it had a better zoom capability. A picture is shown below. 

In the end we chose the  due to the ease of filming and the high quality footage it produces. 

For the first 2 minutes of our film we decided to use a Tripod. We decided to use a tripod. A tripod is a stand for a camera, which you screw the camera onto. Using a tripod allowed for non-shakey footage, this would benefit our film as it will help it look professional and clean. A picture is shown below.

We used the Software Adobe Premiere Elements. This is useful as i also used Adobe Flash, this means they are easily compatible together. We decided to use Premiere Elements as it allows for a professional finish on the film, making it a good choice for non-professionals as it has an easy layout and interface. 

We also used paint to help create some of the still shots, we used this as it is a simple anquick way of producing a high quality picture. But it doesn't have many of the tools for creating some things more intricate. Below is a photo.

To also get some of the fonts used in the film we used a non copyright font called Chiken Skratch off  a site called This was very useful as it allowed us to use a scary font that was easy to use and wasn't copyrighted.

Storyboard Animatic

For our animatic I used a Software called Adobe Flash. This is a program that can be used to make GIFs and short movies, it allows you to draw pictures and it fills in the frames inbetween. It worked very well as a method of creating an Animatic as it can create a rough estimate of what the animatic is going to look like but is very visual allowing the audince to see what i think the film is going to look like. Below is a picture of the Software in use.


For the poster I used Photoshop as this allowed for a detailed poster to be created. The benefit of using Photoshop is that allows tools to be used which other simpler softwares do not have. Using it allows  the poster to be detailed and look professional. However a downfall of this is that it takes a long time.


I tried to create a soundtrack for the movie by uising Garageband, doing this would allow me to create a creepy sounstrack that works well with the film, but in the end i found one that worked well and was copyright free so I used that one.

Evaluation Activity 5

This is our final film, it is called Mine Forever. On this version I have annotated it though, to let the audience understand in more depth what I used and why.