After watching the first 2 minutes of Transformers you learn a lot of things, you learn that the film has been produced by Dreamworks as the logo appears, when you see this you generally can tell that the film will be suitable for children as Dreamworks usually onlny build childrens films. As the Dreamworks animation is shown on screen some sort of mechanical noise can be heard, this leads the viewer to know that they are watching some sort of Sci-Fi film, then after this the film is introduced. A unknown voice, unless you have already seen the film, starts to introduce what has happened and set ups the story about 'The Cube' and how a war was fought over it, there are two sides to the war, this sets up a Good versus Evil plot. You can tell that the film is going to be part action film as this is a common cliche of action films. In the first 2 minutes of the movie there is no action whatsoever just the background information. Towards the end of the two minutes you can tell the movie is a Sci-Fi as you look down on the Earth as the Title of the movie is shown. The title is almost transformed together giving the viewer an idea of what is going to happen in the movie. A lot of what is shown is CGI effects and no actors or characters are shown or introduced, even the narrative voice is unknown. Throughout the first 2 minutes of the film the music slowly builds tension making the viewer want to stay and watch the film even more.